Friday, 10 October 2008

Cosmic Energy Meditation

This is a nice little exercise using energy to increase positivity and reduce stress.

Start int he usual way, find somewhere nice and quiet to relax where you won't be disturbed. Focus on your breathing, take nice long, slow, deep breaths, Let all your thoughts quiet down and drift away. When you feel nice and relaxed we begin the energy meditation.

I'd like you to visualise a bright white light above your head. Concentrate on this light and as you watch it you notice it getting bigger and brighter. Watch the light and bring it closer to you. When the light is next to you I'd like you to expand it into a bright white ball, then place yourself inside this ball.

This is the earth's positive energy and you are now tapping into all the positive life forces that it brings. I'd like you to take a nice deep breath now. As you breath in consume some of this beautiful bright white cosmic energy into your body. Just breath in the light. Feel it warming your insides as you sit and relax.

As you breath out let all your negative energy travel out of your body with your breath. Visualise this negative energy as black or dark light. Watch this energy move away from you and be absorbed by the white energy. This white energy will purify all your negativity and return it to the cosmos as pure energy.

Repeat this process for as long as you need too. Breath in the white cosmic energy and breath out any negative dark energy you have contained within you.

Once you are finished enjoy your day and enjoy your new found feeling of lightness.

1 comment:

Bendz said...


Nice information. It's really a good technique for all to receive cosmic energy.

Good post and keep it up. My blog is about how to meditate.